Pantry Organization

Even if you don’t have a million new shiny jars of preserved foods to figure out how to stash away through the cold months, fall is always a good time to take a look at how you are using your food storage space. The first step is to assess what you already have. Try to place like objects together to see if you can create categories. As you sort your items look at expiration dates and consider removing anything that is beyond its best by date. Remember that organization is about knowing where to look to be able to retrieve something later rather than getting everything to fit away.

Here are some Pantry Organization tips:


  • Use wooden crates for storing potatoes, onions, winter squash, etc.

  • Find a new life for jars, canisters or tins to store things like nuts, dried fruit and candy.

  • Mason jaras make a great storage option and can be cacuum seled to preserve freshness.

  • Everybody has baskets around. Use a few for grouping smaller things like snacks and sweets.


  • Use an over the door shoe caddy to organize bottles and sauces that don’t need to be refridgerated.

  • Group all your spices into one convenient place. If you’re feeling up to it, alphabetize them.

  • Dedicate a place for all your cookbooks.

  • Store items together based on need. For instance, dedicate a place for all your baking supplies.

  • Store pantry staples in clear containers for quick identification.

  • Label EVERYTHING! Any time you decant from the original container be sure to label the new contents.


  • Purchase a can rack to store canned goods.

  • Create a lid rack for all your pots and pans.

  • Use a Lazy Susan in the corners to maximize space.

  • Purchase shelf risers so more things can be stacked in a smaller footprint.


  • When storing home canned goods, consider earthquake proofing your precious jars. Don’t wait for the “big” one, either. Small vibrations over time can cause items to shift dangerously close to the edge. Install small wooden dowels across shelving to minimize tipping or falling.

  • Rotate your food! Always store the freshest food in the back so you use older food first.


  • Your pantry and storage areas are not just utilitarian spaces. They can be visually pleasing too. You might be more likely to maintain any organization processes you adopt if the storage area is aesthetically appealing.

  • Use chalkboard paint to create DIY areas for shopping or check lists.

  • Use shelf liners to add color or patterns.

  • Give your walls a fresh coat of paint to brighten and rejuvenate your storage area.


gad zucchs!!!